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Rut deduction

How RUT works
It's simple. If you meet the conditions for RUT, you only pay 50% of the labor cost. You have a personal maximum ceiling of SEK 75,000 to use per year, which corresponds to a purchase basis of SEK 150,000. If you are several adults living at the same address, you can add up your RUT deductions to get a higher joint ceiling. We provide cost estimates for our services and the prices for household services are always set according to RUT, so that it is easy for you to see what the service costs after the deduction. When you receive the invoice, we handle the administration for the Swedish Tax Agency.


Extended RUT deduction
From January 1, 2021, the maximum ceiling was increased from SEK 50,000 to SEK 75,000 per person and year.




What is a housekeeping service?
It includes services such as cleaning, window cleaning, garden services, etc. Over the years, moving, more advanced gardening services, repair of white goods and IT services in the home have also become part of the RUT deduction. Most of our services are deductible, so take a look at what we can help you with.


What may be good to know is that the ROT deduction (which includes construction services and renovation) affects the space in the RUT, so if a ROT deduction has been made, the RUT deduction will be smaller. The maximum ceiling for ROT services is still SEK 50,000, which means that SEK 25,000 is reserved for RUT services. If you are unsure how much deductions you have made during the year, you can always double check with the Swedish Tax Agency.


New services
From 1 January 2021, it has been decided to extend the RUT deduction with the following four new services:

Water washing of clothes and home textiles at laundry facilities, including transport of the laundry.

Home furnishing, including furniture assembly. However, furnishing services are not included.

Transport of household goods partly to second-hand shops, flea markets and the like where the household goods can be reused, partly to and from storage.

Easier supervision of a home, for example taking in mail, watering flowers, flushing taps and toilets.


RUT deduction for private individuals
The invoice that you receive from us after the assignment has been completed is with a deduction for tax reduction. If you have already used your entire RUT deduction, you can request an invoice without RUT deduction.


RUT deduction and salary benefit
Your employer may want to make your everyday life easier outside of work, so you can get household services as a salary benefit. The beauty of it is that you can also get the tax deduction of 50%, which means that the salary benefit basically costs you nothing in the form of benefit tax for you as an employee. Your employer annually submits control data to the Swedish Tax Agency and you make the deduction in your return.


Read more about the tax reduction on the Swedish Tax Agency's website.

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